From EUR 130
Guided Tour in the magnificant Cathedral of Salzburg
The versatile meaning and history of Salzburg´s Cathedral only comes apparent to visitors through a professional tour that conveys hidden theological and art historical backgrounds and connections.
The program of this tour is not only dedicated to a spiritual and intellectual background, but also deepens the supra-regional significance of this building as a symbol of open Christianity and ambassador of new ideas, which a few ideas before its construction of the council of Trent (1563) under pope Pius the IV. had been defined. The conjunction with a remarkable architectural concept, a unique lighting design and an extraordinary musical practice captured the human being as a whole...
Wolfgang Amadeus was an essential protagonist within the rich musical tradition of the Salzburg Cathedral.
Meeting: below the left arcade and year 774 at the Salzburg Cathedral
Duration: 1 hour approx.
Im Salzburger Dom